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Is it Time For Your Business to Move to the Cloud?cc

28 February 2019

Whether it’s storing your photos on iCloud if you’re an iPhone user, or creating documents in Google Drive, you’ve probably used cloud storage services to some capacity on a personal level. But what about using cloud services for your business?

Instead of downloading software onto your own server, you can now use it over the internet. You can also store your data on a hosted data backup instead of on your own hardware, and this comes with a wealth of benefits.

We’re going to provide a general overview of the main advantages of cloud computing, and highlight how your business could benefit from the different services on offer:

a man working out business calculations

Spend Less and Get More

Whatever your business, cloud adoption will most probably be a cost-effective decision. For example, choosing to use a UK Hosted Server means that you won’t have to spend money on maintaining your own servers, and you might even see a reduction in energy costs.

Furthermore, if you decide to receive cloud softwares such as Microsoft Azure as a service (SaaS), the personalised nature of the product means that you wouldn’t be paying for any unneeded features, which would ultimately save you money.

a man sitting in a train station waiting room working on his laptop

Increased Flexibility

With the cloud, you have the ability to share and access files remotely. This means that staff can easily work from home, something which is great for small businesses and large businesses alike. Our UK Hosted Desktop Service even allows you to access your entire work desktop from anywhere in the world.

Also, if your workload suddenly increases or decreases, cloud services such as Amazon Web Services (AWS) allow you to scale the resources according to the ever-changing needs of the business. Efficient deployment of resources is something that we can help you with here at ICT Solutions.

a keyboard button with data recovery written on it

Speedy Data Recovery and Extra Security

Using cloud storage for your business also means that if disaster strikes, your data can be securely restored as long as there is access to the internet. Hardware issues are completely removed from the picture because there is no hardware involved, and there is nothing getting in the way of data being restored quickly and easily.

As well as easy data recovery, using UK Hosted Data Backup is also good for security purposes. For example, if a laptop or other similar device was stolen, it wouldn’t immediately result in a data breach because the data is not stored on the hardware. Instead, it is stored on a cloud storage space, and couldn’t be accessed without a password.

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Let ICT Solutions Help You

We hope that this guide has helped you understand the benefits of using cloud services. Here at ICT Solutions, we can provide a multitude of services for your business. As well as UK hosted cloud services, we can offer all of the cloud-based software that you need, on all the devices that you want for a single monthly payment.

Find out more about our comprehensive services, and get in touch today.