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Why Hosted Telecoms Are Beneficial For Businesses

27 July 2018

The internet has only become more and more integral to daily life since its invention, to the point where much of our personal and business lives are reliant on an internet connection. A lot of our IT infrastructure is hosted via the cloud and there are many benefits to this including more efficient performance and productivity. The cloud is super fast and reliable which is exactly what you need when it comes to your telecoms system. Communication is vital in business and a system that allows efficient communication via telephone is a must! ICT Solutions are now offering hosted telecoms and VoIP to replace traditional phone lines. Read on to find out more.

What is Hosted Telecoms and VoIP?

Hosted telecoms is often referred to as cloud telephony or VoIP (Voice over internet protocol) and is essentially a phone system that is managed by your provider away from your business premises over an internet connection. VoIP has developed to become more efficient and reliable than traditional phone systems and is used in many businesses both small and large.

If your business is still relying on traditional telephone communication you’re missing the benefits of switching to a cloud-based phone system.   

The Benefits of Switching to a Cloud-based Hosted Telecoms System

Cloud-based telecoms systems have the same features of traditional phones but with added benefits and most importantly a reduced cost. You could save up to 40% on calls and line rentals if you switch to a cloud-based hosted telecoms system, and this is not the only benefit!

  • Work ‘on the go’ from anywhere as long as you have an internet connection
  • Secure and future proof – regular upgrades and little maintenance
  • Flexible communication – ideal for mobile use and working on multiple sites
  • Scalability – if your business scales up or down your hosted telecoms system can too with ease
  • More control over costs – reduced upfront cost and only pay for what you need

Hosted telecoms systems overall increase communication performance and productivity in the business. They’re fully flexible and efficient, making business life less stressful.

Hosted Telecoms Systems by ICT Solutions

There are so many features and benefits of having a hosted telecoms system in place as opposed to traditional phone lines. ICT Solutions are experts in installing cloud-based infrastructures, so there is no other provider you should visit for cloud-based telecoms than ICT Solutions. We have lots more information on hosted telecoms on our website or you can give us a call on 0151 230 2424 to find out more.