Top 5 Cyber Security Myths
27 January 2022
The pandemic has led to many rapid changes in our world. Most noticeably, we have experienced an increased reliance on digital technologies. According to the Guardian, 46.4% of people in London worked remotely at some point during 2020. With the use of digital technology on the rise in the workplace, it is more important than ever for businesses to ensure that sensitive data is protected.
For many small and medium-sized businesses, cybersecurity may seem like uncharted territory or a topic that does not concern them. However, as cybercriminals become more advanced so do attacks and their frequency. It’s important that businesses of all sizes have a thorough understanding of cybersecurity in order to protect their digital infrastructure and the integrity of their data.
To help accomplish this, we debunked the top five myths surrounding cybersecurity.
Myth #1: Cybersecurity Is Expensive
This is probably the most persistent myth surrounding cybersecurity that has unfortunately ensnared many ordinary people and those in the business community.
While there is an initial investment involved when implementing cybersecurity measures, this investment far outweighs the risk of leaving your digital assets vulnerable to attack.
As we will elaborate on below, hackers don’t discriminate and will launch attacks against businesses small and large.
However, you don’t need to hire a full in-house cybersecurity team to protect your business. Many IT support companies such as ours, offer consultancy services for a price designed to fit your budget. We’ll conduct a security audit and recommend measures you can implement to safeguard the integrity of your data.
Myth #2: Only Large Businesses Are Targeted
The media can often be misleading when it comes to cybersecurity. They typically only cover attacks against large-scale organisations such as the ransomware attack against the Colonial Pipeline that occurred in the U.S. during May of this year.
While it’s true that hackers target large companies to extort exuberant sums of money, many cybercriminals attack small businesses. According to the Federation of Small Businesses, over 10,000 cyber attacks occur against small businesses every day in the UK.
The stakes are a lot higher for small businesses too. A single attack could cause a small business to shut its doors permanently. To minimise the chances of a cyber attack, small businesses should consider consulting with an IT support company that can advise on the best counter-measures to implement.
Myth #3: All I Need Is A Strong Password
It is true that a strong password is the first line of defense against a cyber attack. However, a strong password even with capital letters, special characters, and numbers are not uncrackable. Hackers utilise software that calls on pre-computed tables called rainbow tables to crack passwords. This software will keep trying different combinations of words, numbers, and special characters until it gets the right combination.
Making your password lengthy is the best way to ensure its strength. It’s recommended that you use a memorable phrase from a book or song without special characters. You should also change your passwords every 120 days if possible. If you have trouble remembering your passwords, try using a password manager.
For added security, we also recommend that you set up two-factor or multi-factor authentication measures. These measures require users to complete an extra verification step before accessing data or software. This is usually in the form of a security code that is sent to a user’s phone.
Myth #4: Cyber Threats Come From Outside The Organisation
While external cyberattacks from hackers receive the most attention, internal security breaches are quite common, whether on purpose or by accident.
There are certain precautions you can take to minimise the chances of an internal security breach. First, make sure you protect access to the physical locations of servers to reduce the risk of tampering or theft. Secondly, provide adequate training in cybersecurity to all your employees. Lastly, control employee access to internal data.
Sometimes it may be a disgruntled employee that steals or purposefully leaks sensitive data. By ensuring fewer employees have access to important information, you can minimise the chances of an internal security breach.
Myth #5: My Anti-Virus Software Will Protect Me
Nowadays, antivirus software is not enough to provide adequate protection. Cyberthreats are constantly evolving and becoming more advanced. It’s recommended that businesses adopt a dynamic, synchronised approach to cybersecurity with different software to protect against different kinds of attacks. For example, there are tools specifically designed to combat ransomware attacks or man-in-the-middle attacks.
By developing a synchronised approach to cybersecurity, you can cover your endpoint, firewall, network connections and more simultaneously and in a more robust fashion.
In the event of a cyberattack, it’s important to have a crisis recovery plan in place. That way, you can minimise damage and move quickly to safeguard the integrity of uncompromised data.
How We Can Help
As a leading IT support company in Liverpool, we have helped many clients protect their digital assets from cyber threats with our unique, bespoke approach to cybersecurity. We will conduct a risk assessment and offer recommendations on how to best safeguard your digital infrastructure.
For more information and to speak with one of our representatives, contact us today!